Friday, November 3, 2017

Postcard Games

A while back (almost a year now), I experimented with Postcard games. Specifically, I made two games. The first game was a simple conversion of one of my abstract games, Symmetric, to a postcard game without any gameplay changes. And Second I made a very simplified version of Dawn of the Zeds. We ended up handing out copies of that Dawn of the Zeds postcard game at BGG.con last year.

While organizing my computer today, I found the files for the Symmetric postcard game.

I really like Symmetric, but it didn't do all that well for me and the publisher gave me the rights back. I'd like to expose more people to the game so I want to find a way to self-publish. But, abstracts don't sell very well in my experience and given the mechanics, any theme would feel very tacked on. So I can't really justify to myself trying to raise money for a print run.

So, I'm considering selling the postcard instead. Postcards are inexpensive to print even at low quantities so they could, in theory, be a very cost-effective way to publish simpler games.

I would welcome any thoughts on the matter. Would you ever consider buying a postcard game?

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